Throughout my career in digital strategy, product development, media, communications, and business, I’ve learned how to help organizations define and deliver unique propositions to the market to achieve business goals. I’ve turned this knowledge and practice into a course.

Is it time to revisit how you convey and deliver your vision, missions and value?
Have the needs and preferences of your audiences shifted?
Do you have a system to listen and learn from them?

It’s called “Become the Beacon” because I’ve found ~ through many audience research projects ~ that the people working in a particular sector are looking for some party to lead the conversation and innovate. Why shouldn’t that be your company?

When a company is crystal-clear on the value they can offer to their audience and do the work to understand how to build relationships with clients, those clients will respond with loyalty and light the path to innovation.

But it’s not enough to focus on customers and clients. That is a cycle of diminishing returns. An organization needs to create a strong infrastructure that can flex to changing market conditions, and recognize that to be strategic is to focus on their audience ~ not just customers or clients.

This course is offered for leaders and/or teams. A great deal of work gets accomplished during the eight-session live, online course. The more participants from your organization, the more specific we can get on the outputs.

BECOME THE BEACON follows my four-step approach to craft an evidence-based strategy to achieve your business goals by:

  • defining your unique proposition to the market
  • learning how to meaningfully engage your audience
  • developing a system to recognize and adapt to market shifts
  • cultivate loyalty, sustainable growth, innovation, and revenue

This course guides your organization to craft a practical roadmap for results.

See what Clients say… about my course.

My approach to coaching and consulting combines learning the theory and applying it for measurable results.
Interactive workshops are a valuable part of my process for teams to discuss and learn “what is” and “what could be.”
I’ve spoken on digital strategy, engaging audiences, and creating a culture of innovation at conferences.

Ready to explore how BECOME THE BEACON can help your organization? Book a call.